Imagine Greener Streets in the Lloyd District

Imagine Greener Streets in the Lloyd District

Imagine that you are walking down a street in the Lloyd District that is lush and green. Cars and MAX trains roll by, but small trees line the streets and intentional landscaping create a peaceful setting that feels more like a pedestrian oasis of open space than a dense, urban corridor. This picture could become a reality, thanks to a new public-private partnership focused on implementing the Holladay Green Street Plan.

The Holladay Green Street Plan would unite public agencies, including the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT), Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) and Portland Development Commission (PDC), and private landowners on NE Holladay Street with leadership from Lloyd EcoDistrict and support from Go Lloyd, to creatively develop and finance storm water management solutions in the district. Properly managing storm water and waste water is a top priority for the city, and systems like NORM, green roofs and rainwater catchment systems at the new Hassalo on 8th development in the district are examples of forward-thinking water management at the building and block level. But what about an entire street?

Under the Holladay Green Street Plan, storm water management infrastructure would be moved out of the public right-of-way (ROW) and onto private land and converted to infiltration systems. The total project cost to all parties involved would be less than a traditional approach; infiltration recharges the water table and naturally cleans run-off in the soil, rather than directing more contaminated water into the river via the sewer system. Landowners benefit from the landscaping and water management on their property.

While this system of bio-swales and infiltration systems would improve water quality and water quantity, the Lloyd District would strongly benefit from the aesthetic aspects of a Green Street as well. Holladay Street is a common entry point into the district for both cars and MAX riders. Making that arrival in the district a notable, pleasant experience that signals that this is an EcoDistrict and creates a sense of place for visitors will benefit us all. This kind of place-making activity will continue to attract businesses and new residents that will bring growth to the district.

The Holladay Green Street Plan is still in the early development stages. If you’d like to learn more, contact Lloyd EcoDistrict Executive Director, Sarah Heinicke at



Alison Hopcroft is Program Manager at Lloyd EcoDistrict. You can reach her at