LAMP: Years of Savings, Carbon Reductions, and Community Impacts

LAMP: Years of Savings, Carbon Reductions, and Community Impacts

Ready for some great news? Our LED Advantage Member Program, LAMP, just recently installed our 10 thousandth energy-saving LED fixture!  What does this mean? Well, lots of energy savings each year and an annual reduction in carbon emissions!

LAMP is run in partnership with Conserve Energy, an Energy Trust of Oregon Trade Ally. This LED retrofit installation program provides energy reduction and direct social and community benefits through donating part of the proceeds to sustainable projects and housing organizations.

2020 was a record year for completing LAMP projects across the Portland metro and has added to the growing success of the program. Since our partnership with Conserve Energy started, LAMP has now completed 42 projects, 13 of which have been in Lloyd.

In all, these LAMP projects have added up to almost $145,000 of cost savings for program participants each year. Because of the LAMP program, an estimated 1.7 million kWh of electricity total is now saved every year moving forward! Taking into consideration our utility energy mixes, that means that completed projects now prevent 817 tons of CO2 from being emitted every year because of LAMP’s efforts.

To provide some context, this amount of CO2 is equivalent to:

  • Eliminating the greenhouse gas emissions of 156 passenger vehicles each year.
  • Annual CO2 emissions from burning 82,889 gallons of gasoline.
  • Annual CO2 emissions from burning nearly 881,670 pounds of coal.
  • CO2 emissions from 125 homes’ electricity use for one year.
  • CO2 emissions from charging 94 million smartphones.
  • Carbon sequestered by growing more than 12 thousand tree seedlings for 10 years.
  • Carbon sequestered by nearly a thousand acres of U.S. forest in one year.

Those are just the annual impacts. The cumulative savings, and positive impacts on the environment, are much higher!

As if it couldn’t get even better, because Conserve Energy and Lloyd EcoDistrict have a proceeds-sharing agreement, all of these projects have helped to funnel more than 30 thousand dollars back to support sustainability projects in Lloyd and homeless services provided by Central City Concern and Right 2 Dream Too.

We share this in hopes that our community members who weren’t already aware of this game-changing program can reap the benefits of all it has to offer, too!  We also would love to continue making a positive impact on our community and combatting the climate crisis and you can help us do that by reaching out to learn more about our services today! Simply contact to do so.

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